Friday, January 1, 2010


Hello and welcome to my blog. I have deceided to venture into the world of blogger and am going to give it a try. Some of you know me from flickr, livejournal, or various sites around, but some of you might not know about me and allow me to introduce myself to you. My name is Ashley Marie and I'm a twenty something living with a unhealthy relationship to fashion, cooking, makeup, and all things lovely.

I'd thought I'd start off with some tips for keeping long hair. Ever since I cut my hair back last September I have regretted cutting my hair to my shoulders. I ruined my hair by dying and bleaching it, but I've came up with a few tips that would come in handy on keeping long hair without ruining it.

Image by: Sandra Freiji

* Don't overdo your hair with excessive curling, or using a straightener.

*No dying your hair with commercial products used to dye hair. Bleach and ammonia are products you need to stay away from. Use natural products, like Henna to be used as it won't affect the state of your hair.

*Trim your hair regularly to prevent split-ends.

*Never brush your hair or comb when wet.

*Get plenty of rest and sleep. Don't over-stress or over do it. (I like this quite a bit)

*Beautiful hair is a sign of your health.

*Don't shampoo your hair every day. Every two days is recommended as it doesn't dry your hair out as fast.

*Eliminate or cut back smoking and use of caffeine.

Before I take off, I'd like to mention the next posting is going to be items I really enjoy most and am lusting over.



  1. Thanks for checking out my blog, and good luck with yours! :) Blogging is so much fun, you're going to love it!

    Great advice for long hair. I especially agree with the one about not brushing wet hair. My hair turns into a frizzy, knotted disaster if I do that!

  2. thank for the tips ins this post and in the comment!
    good luck for your blog!
